When we used Machine Learning to objectively classify a million news articles by their bias
here, the algorithm uncovered two main bias axes: the well-known left-right bias as well as establishment bias. The establishment view is what all big parties and powers agree on, which varies between countries and over time. For example, the old establishment view that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote was successfully challenged. Verity makes it easy for you to compare the perspectives of the pro-establishment mainstream media with those of smaller establishment-critical news outlets that you won’t find in most other news aggregators.
Two bias sliders correspond to these two bias axes, letting you choose the political stance of your news sources. The left-right slider uses a classification of media outlets based on political leaning, mainly from
here. The establishment slider classifies media outlets based on how close they are to power (see, e.g., Wikipedia’s lists of
left, libertarian and
right alternative media and
this classification): does the news source normally accept or challenge claims by powerful entities such as the government and large corporations? Rather than leaving them alone, you’ll probably enjoy spicing things up by occasionally sliding them to see what those you disagree with cover various topics.