Melanie Mitchell

Melanie Mitchell

Melanie Mitchell is an American scientist, specializing in complex systems and genetic algorithms. She is best known for developing the Copycat cognitive architecture, and holds professorships at the Santa Fe Institute and Portland State University. She received the Herbert A. Simon Award in 2020.

Claims from Melanie Mitchell

Melanie Mitchell
Melanie Mitchell"We could build a human level intelligence in principle... [but] I think we're quite far away."Aug 14, 2024
Melanie Mitchell
Melanie MitchellAI harms could include "disrupting economies."Jul 03, 2023
Melanie Mitchell
Melanie MitchellClaiming AI poses an existential threat is "such an extreme" and risks "wip[ing] out some of its potential benefits."Jul 03, 2023
Melanie Mitchell
Melanie MitchellAI will probably "take over a lot of jobs," but could also "create new kinds of jobs"

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